Thank You, Swift Current

I can't believe it's been a over week since I first arrived in Swift Current, SK, to do two performances of Roller Derby Saved My Soul. I had (with one minor exception) a crazy good time. One patron told me that in all 5 years of the festival, my show was a definite highlight for him. Oh and of course the Swift Current Roller Derby Team, the Redneck Betties came out and absolutely loved the show!

I even had a friend drive 3 hours from Saskatoon to see the show (she tells me it was worth it), before hitching a ride with her and spending the weekend at her home. Let's just say I finally understood why they call it the "Paris of the Prairies."  Seriously, Saskatoon is a beautiful city. I will definitely be back.

But enough about the Toon, this is about the Current.

The Summer Chautauqua Theatre Festival, which is held at the Lyric Theatre is really nice. The venue is beautiful, the concession sells popcorn and homemade pies, you can eat and drink during the shows, and local acts are presented in conjunction with the touring performers. I even got some media attention.

Check out this interview I did for Southwest TV News. You get a great explanation of the festival and some clips from my show, as well as Son of Africville, which I also had the pleasure of seeing. I'm at the 1:17 mark, but the whole video is worth watching (see if you notice the part were my roller skate decided to go for a solo trip off the raked stage). Oh, and when the festival organizer mentions that usually she just messages performers on Facebook? That's totally what happened to me. Another win for social media!

To any fringe performers out there, you should definitely keep this one in mind when planning your travels next year.

And for those of you who would like to support Roller Derby Saved My Soul, the fundraising campaign is ongoing!